general situation
Quick sort is an alternative to thebubbling sortAn improvement of the Quick sort was proposed by C. A. R. Hoare in 1960.
Algorithmic thinking
The data to be sorted by a trip sort is divided into two independent parts, one of which all the data are smaller than the other part of all the data, and then the two parts of the data according to the method of fast sorting, the whole sorting process can be carried out recursively, so as to achieve the whole data into an ordered sequence.
The quick sort algorithm achieves sorting by multiple comparisons and exchanges, and its sorting process is as follows:
1, first set a cut-off value, through the cut-off value will be divided into two parts of the array.
2, will be greater than or equal to the cut-off value of the data concentrated to the right side of the array, less than the cut-off value of the data concentrated to the left side of the array. At this point, the left part of the elements are less than or equal to the cut-off value, while the right part of the elements are greater than or equal to the cut-off value.
3, then, the left and right data can be sorted independently. For the left side of the array data, and can take a cut-off value, the part of the data will be divided into the left and right parts, the same on the left side of the smaller values placed, the right side of the larger values placed. The right side of the array data can also be done similarly.
4, repeat the above process, you can see that this is a recursive definition. By recursively sorting the left part of the order, and then recursively sort the right part of the order. When the left and right parts of the data sorting is completed, the entire array sorting is also completed.
In a nutshell, it's Dig and Fill + Partitioning.
graphical algorithm
Quick sort has three main parameters, left is the start address of the interval, right is the end address of the interval, and Key is the current start value.
We select a record (usually the first) from the sequence of records to be sorted as the base element (called key) key=arr[left], and then set two variables, left pointing to the leftmost part of the array and right pointing to the rightmost part of the data.
initial step
key first compare with arr[right], if arr[right]<key then arr[left]=arr[right] put this number which is smaller than key to the left, if arr[right]>key then we just need to put right--, after right--, then we take arr[ right] with key until arr[right]<key exchanges elements.
second step
If the case of arr[right]<key exists on the right side, put arr[left]=arr[right], next, it will turn to the left side, take arr[left ] and compare it with key, if arr[left]>key,then put arr[right]=arr[left], if arr[ left]<key, then just +++ the left, and then do the comparison of arr[left] to key.
third step
Then move RIGHT to repeat the above steps.
fourth step
Finally we get {23 58 13 10 57 62} 65 {106 78 95 85}, and then we do the same for the left child series and the right child series. You end up with an ordered series.
{23 58 13 10 57 62} 65 {106 78 95 85}
{10 13} 23 {58 57 62} 65 {85 78 95} 106
10 13 23 57 58 62 65 78 85 95 106
Animation Showcase
We borrowed the Five Minutes to Learn Algorithms animated gif thanks to Five Minutes to Learn Algorithms.
- First, manipulate all the numbers in the array
- In all the numbers to choose a number as the base of the sort (pivot), pivot is usually randomly selected, here for the convenience of demonstration, we choose the rightmost number as pivot
- After selecting the pivot, choose the leftmost number in the operation array to be labeled as the left marker and the rightmost number as the right marker.
- Move the left marker to the right
- Stop moving when the left marker reaches more than the number of pivots.
- Here, 8 > 6 , so stop moving
- Then move the right marker to the left
- Stop moving when the right marker reaches a number less than pivot.
- Here, 4 > 6, so stop moving.
- When the left and right markers stop, change the number of markers
- Thus, the role of the left marker is to find a number greater than the pivot, and the role of the right marker is to find a number less than the pivot.
- By swapping numbers, you can collect the set of numbers smaller than pivot on the left side of the array and the set of numbers larger than pivot on the right side.
- After the exchange, keep moving the left marker.
- Here, 9 > 6, so stop moving.
- Then move the right marker to the left
- When the right marker collides with the left marker, it also stops moving.
- If the left and right markers are stopped and both are in the same position, exchange this number with the number of the pivot.
- This completes the first operation.
- Everything less than 6 is to the left of 6, and everything greater than 6 is to the right of 6.
- Then recursively perform the same operation on both parts of the split
- Done. Quick sort.
Algorithm Performance
time complexity
ideal situation
If it's ideal enough, then weExpect to split the array into two equal parts every time.If we follow this ideal case of partitioning, we end up with a fully binary tree. If we sort n numbers, then the depth of the tree isIf we set the elapsed time for comparing n numbers to T(n), then we can get the following equation
T(n) ≤ 2T(n/2) + n,T(1) = 0
T(n) ≤ 2(2T(n/4)+n/2) + n = 4T(n/4) + 2n
T(n) ≤ 4(2T(n/8)+n/4) + 2n = 8T(n/8) + 3n
T(n) ≤ nT(1) + (log2n)×n = O(nlogn)
worst case scenario
And in the worst case, the tree is a completely skewed tree with only a left or right half. At this point our number of comparisons becomes
(math.) space complexity
in-situ ordering
The space usage of the in-place fast row is the use of stack space caused by recursion, which in the best case is recursivetimes, so the space complexity isIn the worst case scenario, it's recursive
times, so the space complexity is。
Non-in situ sorting
For non-in situ sorting, each recursion declares an additional space totaling n, so the space complexity becomes n times that of in situ sorting, i.e., best caseWorst case scenario。
code implementation
C and C++
void QuickSort(int array[], int low, int high) {
int i = low;
int j = high;
if(i >= j) {
int temp = array[low];
while(i != j) {
while(array[j] >= temp && i < j) {
while(array[i] <= temp && i < j) {
if(i < j) {
swap(array[i], array[j]);
//refer totempPut yourself in your place,((prefix indicating ordinal number, e.g. first, number two etc)ilocation)
swap(array[low], array[i]);
QuickSort(array, low, i - 1);
QuickSort(array, i + 1, high);
public static int[] qsort(int arr[],int start,int end) {
int pivot = arr[start];
int i = start;
int j = end;
while (i<j) {
while ((i<j)&&(arr[j]>pivot)) {
while ((i<j)&&(arr[i]<pivot)) {
if ((arr[i]==arr[j])&&(i<j)) {
} else {
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
if (i-1>start) arr=qsort(arr,start,i-1);
if (j+1<end) arr=qsort(arr,j+1,end);
return (arr);
def swap(arr, i, j):
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
def partition(arr, left, right):
pivot = left
index = pivot+1
i = index
while i<=right:
if arr[i]<arr[pivot]:
swap(arr, i, index)
swap(arr, pivot, index-1)
return index-1
def quickSort(arr, left=None, right=None):
left = 0 if not isinstance(left, (int, float)) else left
right = len(arr)-1 if not isinstance(right, (int, float)) else right
if left < right:
partitionIndex = partition(arr, left, right)
quickSort(arr, left, partitionIndex-1)
quickSort(arr, partitionIndex+1, right)
return arr