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Table el-table scrollbar style modification in element-ui
If the scrollbar style of the whole page is consistent, directly change the global scrollbar style can also have an effect. Scroll bar style compatibility issues, the above style is in the webkit browser can be effective. In-page scrollbar style beautification css3. el-table beautification...
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This.$ (parameter) in Vue to realize page jumps
Since dynamic routing also passes params, path cannot be used with params in this.$router.push() method, otherwise params will be invalid. The page ne......
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vue\'s scroll event to realize that an element can be displayed in a fixed position or on top of it.
vue listen to scroll events to achieve a certain element to absorb the top or fixed position display September 16, 2017 15:33:33 Read: 26910 Recently ......
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Chart Size Adaptation in ECharts3
Recently in the writing of a map application, using echarts charts, however, on the face of a confused, if the parent container of the height/width attribute is set to the form of a percentage, then echarts will be warned, and can not properly generate charts. So div container height width must be specified as px, this design do not know why. _echarts map and container the same width and height...
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\"See more\" function, more perfectly realized
The "View More" function is perfect for realizing the demand: when there is too much text, hide the text and replace it with ellipses, and there is a "View More" button after the ellipses. Click "View More" to expand all the text, as shown below: click "Collapse" to restore the original state. Realization<div class="box clearfix"> <div class="rt more"> <span>...</span> <a>View More</a> </div></div>...
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js determine whether an element exists in the array (four methods)
method 1: using indexOf does not exist to return -1, exists to return the index of the first occurrence // js check whether the array contains an element // method 1 indexOf var arr = [100,20,50,58,6,69,36,45,78,66,45] if(arr.indexOf(66)==-1){ console.log("Doesn't exist") }else{ console.log("Exists, index is:",arr.indexOf(6._js determining if an array contains an element...
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Using echarts in vue
This article describes in detail how to install and use the ECharts library in a Vue project, including introducing ECharts globally, creating chart instances, setting chart options, and responsive tuning. Through two specific chart examples show how to draw bar charts and stacked line charts , and provides solutions to problems that may be encountered , such as importing the wrong choice to fix the problem ....
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echarts Common Methods Initialize and Destroy
Throughout the ECharts chart instantiation API, there are mainly a few related instantiation methods: 1. setOption(Object option,{boolean = true} notMerge) Parameters: 1), Object type of the parameter option, indicating the chart data structure , the shape of: 1. var option = {2. title: {3. text: "I... _echarts dispose...
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Understanding full adders (coming in to learn elementary school addition)
The picture above shows a typical full adder. What is a full adder? A full adder is an addition operator that takes into account rounding. A full adde......
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How to run a program using dosbox - step by step details
I created an asm folder in the e drive and put the masm folder in it. After writing the source code and naming it test1.dsm I put it in the masm folde......
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Difference and division between %c and %s in C language
The %c format corresponds to a single character, the %s format corresponds to a string. Example: char a;char b[20];scanf("%c",&a); //can only input a single character. scanf("%s",b); //can input a string of not more than 20 characters. %c corresponds to type char, %s corresponds to type char, i.e. string. When used as input, both parameters should be passed as char. The %c input function only assigns a value to a byte space. The %s function assigns a value until the input encounters... _%s...
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The most complete WeChat small program code in the history of the book
WeChat Small Program Official Demo (Hao-Wu/WeApp-Demo)WeChat Small App Sample Code (phodal/weapp-quick)WeChat Small App Map Positioning Demo (giscafer/wechat-weapp-mapdemo)WeChat Small App- Nuggets Home Page Infomercial (hilongjw/ weapp-gold)wechat small program (app number) example: wechat small program douban movie (zce/weapp-demo)wechat small program- douban movie (hingsir/weapp_wechat small program code...
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Using perf on Linux
perf is a performance analysis tool (based on the performance event perf_event port provided by the Linux kernel) for performance tuning and performan......
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[Fan Welfare Club] From Beginner to Master (Software Development Video Lecture Hall) (End of the article sends the book - finished)
Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It was created in 2014 by Evan You and has quickly become one of the most p......
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[uniapp applet] configure tabbar bottom navigation bar
Providing tabBar configurations in pages.json is not only to facilitate rapid development of navigation, but more importantly to improve performance on the app and applet side. In these two platforms, the underlying native engine does not need to wait for the js engine to initialize at startup, it can directly read the tabBar information configured in pages.json and render the native tab. ......... _uniapp bottom navigation bar...
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/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */@font-face { font-family: "uicon-iconfont"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-display: auto; src: url('data:application/x-font-woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GMgABAAAAAGQYAAsAAAAAw2gAAGPEAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAA..._cl.2162x.xzy...
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WeChat applet example: map component markers property dynamic initialization
Today when writing a small program detail page, I encountered a problem, the markers attribute of the map component is set by asynchronous request to the data, the result will lead to the bottom of the wechat rendering error. But if I initialize the markers variable in data first, every time the applet can not be rendered properly are initialized Beijing's data. Then wrote the following test: test.js::Page({ data:{ map:{ lat: 0, lng: 0, ma... _map markers...
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uniapp basics - the big summary
Introducing uni-app Official Page uni-app is a framework for developing all front-end applications using Vue.js. Developers write a set of code that c......
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Introduction to Bioinformatics Differential Expression Analysis (DEG) using GEO GeneChip data - Limma Algorithm Data Code Results Interpretation
Differential expression analysis is often used as the first step in bioinformatics analysis based on gene expression matrices, which helps us to look ......
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Loop Filtering (II): HEVC De-Square Filtering
Square effect refers to the image due to the distortion caused by the discontinuity of the coding boundary and visually produce a "piece by piece" eff......
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